
Bikini Prep – 16 Weeks Out – One Year Postpartum

This past week my daughter celebrated her first birthday. Everyone always told me it would “go by quickly,” and they were right. I remember the day I found out I was pregnant, our first doctor’s appointment, the first kick in my stomach and the day she was born like it was yesterday. Then I blinked and she was a year old.

Gianna Davis Mary Davis Fitness

My husband and I weren’t sure we wanted to have a child when we first got married. We loved to travel and the flexibility to do whatever we wanted whenever we wanted. As time went on and we celebrated our third wedding anniversary, we decided it was time to add a little person to our happy family of two. I have shared on social media many times how I was very nervous about what would happen to my body when I got pregnant. You can look at my Instagram page for lots of bump photos. I would look at other fit women who still looked super-fit post baby, and their journey gave me the inspiration to trust that I could be the same way.

I had a very active pregnancy. Before I got pregnant, I was in great shape. I taught 5 spin classes a week, including a double on Tuesdays, and I lifted weights 4 times a week. I also had a very easy pregnancy. I had no morning sickness, and I really did not get any more tired than usual, so I was able to keep up this rigorous schedule without many modifications. My heart rate was still very high when I taught class – but I was able to talk and teach. I reduced my weights when I was targeting very large muscle groups – during squats and lunges. Other than that, it was business as usual.

And the belly kept growing…

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I described myself as a “laid back pregnant chick.” I did not go to extremes to avoid certain foods. I still had 1-2 cups of coffee a day, occasional sushi and red meat that was not well-done. I drank protein shakes and took my BCAAs along with my daily prenatal vitamins and fish oil. My diet was mostly whole foods, lots of vegetables, green juice, and plenty of homemade chocolate chip cookies. I ate healthy 80% of the time. In the end, I gained 35 pounds after 40 weeks, and I didn’t weigh myself at 41 weeks pregnant when I delivered exactly one week late.

My labor and delivery was again, easy. I was in labor for 8 hours and pushed for 30 minutes. Hello healthy 7 pound 14 ounce baby! My recovery, also easy. I was able to return to my workouts at 4-weeks postpartum.

I cannot say for sure that my health and my diet was to thank for my easy pregnancy, my easy delivery, my easy recovery or my easy BABY – a great sleeper to this day. But I can say one thing for sure – it didn’t hurt the cause.

After I delivered, I still had 12 pounds of baby weight to lose, and the journey to lose it was a struggle for me. Everyone told me it would “fall off” after I finished nursing at 12 weeks, but that was not my experience. Every pound was a struggle. A STRUGGLE. I hovered at 140 for a long time. I remember being very sad some days because I was still very uncomfortable in my skin. I didn’t like having to wear loose shirts. I remember crying on a date night with my husband because I felt so badly about my extra layers. He just looked at me and told me that it didn’t matter to him. But it mattered to me. So I got my ass in gear. I set some goals, and at 8-months postpartum, I got to 3 pounds below my pre pregnancy weight for a photoshoot I did for my lululemon athletica ambassador photos: 129 pounds. That lasted for about a day, then I returned to 132 quickly afterwards. Today I hover at 135 pounds, since I’ve made some muscle gains since then.

lululemon ambassador photo unveiling party may 2016

lululemon ambassador photo unveiling party may 2016

Now at one-year postpartum, I can honestly say that I am in the best shape of my life. I am stronger than I have ever been. I have ABS! I NEVER had a six-pack before I got pregnant, but the way that my body has reverted back has allowed me to achieve the six-pack look, which is super cool because I’ve always wanted one.

Abs before baby 2015

Abs before baby 2015

Abs post partum 2016

Abs after baby 2016

I never thought that I would be training for a bodybuilding competition at one-year postpartum. I never thought that I would care less about the scale than ever before, because the scale does not tell the whole story. Pictures tell a story. How your clothes fit tell a story. The number on the scale does not represent your fitness level. It is there as a gauge only.

And most important of all. I am grateful that I overcame a huge fear in my life, and I had a baby because the joy that I have experienced in the past 365 days, is greater than any that I have ever known. I mean, who wouldn’t smile when they looked at this face?IMG_0219


So I have said it before, and I will keep saying it. Do not let your fears hold you back from achieve anything your heart desires. Fear is a liar. Move past it. Crush it. Be grateful. I’m off to lift.

Bikini Prep – 17 Weeks Out – Progress Not Perfection

I’ve been thinking a lot this week about the phrase: Progress not perfection.

Progress: forward or onward movement toward a destination.

Perfection: the condition, state, or quality of being free or as free as possible from all flaws or defects.

Progress NOT perfection.

I’ve resigned to the fact that I will never be perfect, and frankly THANK GOD because being perfect or free from faults or defects would be incredibly stressful and annoying. At my daughter’s 1st birthday party this past weekend, I indulged in some of her birthday cake which was not on my prep meal plan. Not perfect. Not the end of the world. Back on track today.

Progress, however, is a word and a state of being that I do take seriously. This week marked a milestone in my personal life. This week, 7 years ago, I made a decision to start living a healthier life. If you knew me 7 years ago, you probably knew a pretty different Mary. I was a 15 pounds lighter, a little more of a party animal, and I was no one that you wanted to take nutrition advice from. I was also a smoker! Yikes. After work happy hours which often turned into late nights and one-too-manys, eating whatever I wanted, and absolutely no thought about taking care of myself. That was the Mary you would have known. Crazy right?! I knew that I was not living the life that was intended for me.

One day, I decided that I really didn’t want to live that kind of life anymore, so I stopped living that kind of life. My after work happy hours were replaced with post work runs. I started small with a few miles around the neighborhood. I was always a gym rat, even in college, so I had decent cardiovascular health. I started going to bed earlier. I started doing simple things like drinking more water. I knew I had to stop smoking. I was one of those people that smoked on the way to and from the gym, and I knew that had to end. I also knew that I tried to quit smoking a thousand times, and it was just too hard to do on my own. So I picked a very important date, my late father’s birthday and quit on February 4th, 2010. My father passed away from lung cancer, and even though he was not a smoker, I knew that lung cancer would be knocking on my door if I kept up my habit. I also started training for my very first long distance race – the Zooma Half Marathon – and raised money to support the research and development of a lung cancer cure. 29493_1442729142258_6947365_nI was very dedicated to my training, and I ran my first half marathon in June of 2010 in honor of my Dad. I haven’t had a cigarette since, not even a drag.193290_1800290561070_1015104_o

That race really kicked off my love of exercise and of overall fitness. I signed up for my next race, the Marine Corps Marathon. I figured, I was half way there, so why not?! In October of 2010, I ran my first (and likely last) full marathon in 4 hours and 33 minutes, without walking.

I kept going. More races. More getting healthier. More learning about nutrition. More PROGRESS.

One day, I switched out my running shoes for spin shoes. My was getting a little burned out, and my body was feeling the effects of my running schedule. I started spinning every morning at 6am before work. I loved it. It was less impact on my body, and the calorie burn was serious! My next passion was born. More progress.

I started learning more about how the food that I eat affects how I FEEL. I started reading blogs and articles about the effects of sugar on our bodies. I saw the movie Fed Up which really opened my eyes to the sugar epidemic in America. I watched TED talks, learning more about GMO’s and the chemicals that are put into our foods. I could not unlearn all of the things that I was learning. It was always in my brain. For these reasons, I purchase mostly organic foods, and if I do not know what the ingredient is on the side of a packaged food, I don’t buy it. More progress.

I was still a cardio queen. I would hit the weights as an afterthought if I got to the gym early before spin class started, but I was definitely not an avid weight lifter. I started learning more about weight lifting and the tremendous impact it can have on your overall health. I learned that it helps to improve your heart and bone strength. It helps to reduce body fat, since the more muscle that you have, the more fat that your body burns at rest. I really liked what I was learning, but I didn’t know where to start with my training. A friend told me about the free Jamie Eason LiveFit Trainer program, which was a 12-week online program. I completed that program in 3-months, and my passion for weight lifting was born. More progress.

From there, I tried out new programs. I started stepping more outside of my comfort zone and trying exercises that I had never seen before. I would watch YouTube videos and test them out on my own. I started to care a lot less about “what people would think” if they saw me doing these exercises in the “guy’s section” of the weight room. My confidence grew, inside and outside of the gym. I was proud of my muscles. I was proud that I could carry my baby and 2, 30-pound bags of groceries up the stairs. I was proud to wear tank tops to show of my arms, a part of my body that I used to be self conscious about. More progress.


For me, progress means growth. It means challenging myself to keep moving forward, to not settle for stagnant, to keep testing the limits that I create for myself. This is the very reason that I decided to start training for a body building competition. It was new, it was scary, and I would continue to progress forward. Fitness is my hobby, and I love having new goals to sink my teeth into.

Even though I have not been perfect during these past 5 weeks of training, I have made progress. My weights are increasing each week, and my muscle growth is starting to show. Last week I had all time high weights in 9 exercises. It felt SO GOOD. I was really proud.

I challenge you this week to think about the you from 7 years ago, from 5 years ago, from last year. Have you progressed? Have you stayed the same? When was the last time you did something for the first time?

I challenge you to grow. I challenge you to get uncomfortable, because that’s where the real growth happens. And always, I challenge you to seek PROGRESS not perfection.

Bikini Prep – 18 Weeks Out – The Colosseum

I’m sure you’ve probably heard of the Colosseum. Located in the center of Rome, Italy, this famous oval amphitheater, the largest ever built, was used for gladiatorial contests, public spectacles, executions and re-enactments of famous battles. I visited the Colosseum this past week, and even though it wasn’t in Rome, it certainly felt like home to some of the great gladiators of our time. Over 200 men and women lined the walls of this facility in Columbia, MD. Strong, confident, disciplined men and women proudly displaying the muscles that they spent months – years – in this gym, building. It’s a place where you walk in and stop in your tracks and go WOW.











And then for a split second you want to run out and get in your car and drive home really, really fast because you get a little scared, and a little bit of self doubt creeps in, and you think, what the hell am I doing here? But before I had a chance to run, my coach Joe Bender walked up and greeted me, and it was time to get down and dirty for our first one-on-one training session.

This was the first time I had seen Joe since we initially met four weeks ago, so I was pleased when he said that he noticed some physical changes in me since our last meeting – more rounded shoulders and more defined arms. Sweet. I’ll take it. I send Joe progress photos in a 2-piece bathing suit each Monday morning (a little intimidating to say the least), but sometimes the lighting and shadows don’t show the real picture of progress. My diet has not been perfect, so I was glad that the changes are showing on the outside.

I also send Joe a food log of EVERYTHING I ate the week before, all of the workouts I completed, and a daily journal of how I am feeling (energy levels, hunger, mood). Needless to say, all of this reporting helps to hold me accountable and stay very focused. Since my show is still so far out, these weekly check-ins really help me to stay on track.

While I do feel that I am an advanced weight lifter, it is important for me to set aside extra time and money to train with Joe, one-on-one, while I am preparing for this show. A trainer pushes you to add that extra weight, motivates you to hit a few more reps and makes sure that your form is perfect. Perfect form helps to prevent injury and ensures that you are targeting the muscle groups that you intend to activate.


We started the training out with deadlifts. I told Joe that my max was 90 pounds, and he told me that I just warmed up with 95 pounds. That’s another perk of having a coach. He was adding all the weights for me. I was just lifting when he said GO. By the end of the session, I maxed out at 135-pound deadlifts, 45 more pounds than I thought I could handle. It was awesome AND HARD!

Joe also suggested ways for me to add extra weight to some of my exercises in creative ways. For instance, I had been maxing out at my local gym with 100 pound glute bridges. (Photo taken below was on July 3rd when my max out was 80 pounds). I was having a hard time pulling the 100 pounds on and off of me. Plus, there is no heavier barbell at 24 Hour Fitness, so I would have to use a 45 pound bar + plates if I wanted to go heavier.

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Joe suggested that I use the leg extension machine to add more weight. It takes a little finesse to wiggle under the bar, but I made it work. I also needed to make sure that I lowered myself as low as I could on the descend of the exercise and to drive through the heels when I thrust my hips up. Since the bikini division of this competition is all about the booty and the shoulders, I need to make sure to master all of the exercises that grow these muscle groups.

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By the end of the one hour, I was re-energized, re-motivated, and tired – a good tired. I couldn’t wait to get home and (after a large post workout meal) record my weights. There is no better feeling for me than to feel STRONG, and this training session helped to remind me that I can push myself more. My body is stronger than I think it is, and if I wanted to be on the gladiator wall, I needed to step it up. Next session with Joe is in 3 weeks, and I’ll be ready.

Bikini Prep – 19 Weeks Out – Balancing Prep Life with Real Life

Have you ever had a diet or a new change in your life get in the way of your REAL life? That was one of the fears I had before I started training for this competition. The fear wasn’t around what people thought of me because frankly “what people think about me is none of my business,” a phrase I learned about 7 years ago that has forever stuck with me. I really didn’t care if people rolled their eyes if I brought a container of pre-weighed, perfectly portioned food to the beach or social event. I didn’t fear if people thought that I was obsessed with my body or selfish and self-centered. It was not my job to convince people of my motives, of my desire to challenge myself more than ever before. It’s absolutely none of my business what anyone thinks, and that is a very freeing feeling. Feel free to borrow this phrase anytime and apply it in your own life. Go on. Try it. You’ll thank me later.

The fear that I had was around if my training would negatively affect my family – my daughter – my husband – our marriage.

Mary Davis Fitness and husbandMy husband is a football coach, and the summer is his only real time off. We spend a lot of time together which is well deserved and needed, because during the season, he works 7 days a week from August until February. So beginning this training during his time off was something that we talked a lot about before I committed to this challenge. Would it affect our traveling, our ability to eat out, our time together if I had to pull away for training? I decided that it would only negatively affect us if I LET it, and during this part of my training while my husband is off from work, I have to be a bit more flexible than I plan to be as I get closer to my competition. So when our four-year wedding anniversary came last week, we decided to head to the beach for the night.

Mary Davis Fitness Abs 20 Weeks Out

Progress photo – 20 weeks out

I texted my coach a progress picture the day before, and he gave me permission to have a cheat dinner AND dessert. Score! I am very pleased with the changes I have seen in only 3 weeks of working with him. My lower fat macros, although very hard to hit, have set off some changes, notably in my abs and my legs. I am not complaining.

We had an amazing dinner at Salt Air Kitchen in Rehoboth Beach that evening. The wait at 6:30pm for 2 people was quoted 90 minutes, but they got us in after about 40. The place reminds me of one of my favorite Baltimore restaurants where we spent our two year anniversary, the Woodberry Kitchen. The atmosphere was rustic and charming, and the food was comforting and so fresh. My cheat meals have to be “clean cheats” so I opted for filet and crab cake with a “candy bar” dessert.IMG_9722 IMG_9724


Even though I got a pass for dinner, that is only one of the meals that I would be eating while traveling for the 36 hours that we were away. I still had to plan for 2 breakfasts, 2 lunches, and snacks. I packed a lot of food with me for the trip – protein bread, chicken salad made with Greek yogurt, celery and onions, a nuts ‘n more toffee crunch and jelly sandwich on flax and quinoa bread (bread, nut butter and jelly all weighed on a gram scale), harvest snaps for snacking on the beach. We ate out for lunch at the hotel when we arrived, and I ordered a spinach salad with a piece of salmon on top. It had minimal ingredients in the salad, so it was pretty easy to log into My Fitness Pal, and I asked for salsa for the dressing. That is one trick I always use when I dine out – use salsa for dressing and save the fat that is in oils for something much better, like avocados, nut butter or red meat. In the morning before we left, we opted for the free hotel breakfast, and I had a small serving of steel cut oats and snacked on my protein bread. I also made sure to load up on water and BCAAs during the trip so that I did not get dehydrated. These BCAAs have a sweet kick, so they helped me with any cravings I had as I passed the local ice cream shoppes. Overall, I was able to do pretty well considering all of the temptations that are available on vacation.


Gianna – 9 months

We headed home to Annapolis at around 1pm on Friday, and after we got home and put Gianna to bed, I headed to the gym for an evening workout. Since this trip fell on Fourth of July week and I had already taken a rest day on Monday and Thursday, I HAD to get my workout in. I didn’t want to get home then rush off and miss out on time with my daughter whom I hadn’t seen in a day. I was back in time for a late dinner and a relaxing Friday night in. On Saturday morning, I was back on track 100%. An hour of weights in the gym, a one-hour grueling spin class and close to 1000 calories burned.

So, for now, my fears (false evidence appearing real) are just made up scenarios in my head that are not true or real. I can still prep for the toughest competition of my life while being flexible with my methods. I think we’ll even go back to the beach next week and bring the peanut. This time no cheats, more food for the hotel fridge, and more fun with my whole family.

Bikini Prep – 20 Weeks Out – Phase 1 Diet

Does anyone know where I can get a good burger? Seriously.

Two weeks into my prep, and that’s really what I wanted most this week. My coach titled my phase one diet a “slow lean” and I am very grateful for the “slow” part because even with over 1900 calories a day, I’ve still had off days this week. Luckily my coach is very supportive, so when I sent over my updates, he said I was doing a great job. Phew. I am a perfectionist, which is not necessarily a good quality. It has it’s place. It helps me to achieve some pretty tough goals. But it’s also a character defect and can definitely stand in the way of being kind to myself. Okay, enough of the deep thoughts. I am working on it.

When I was a kid, I used to have a bowl of cereal every night before I went to bed. I’m not sure if it was the comforting feeling of having a full belly of carbs before I drifted off into dreamland, or if I just really liked Fruity Pebbles, but eating before bed is a habit that is ingrained in me. I’ve tried to break it several times in so many ways. Drinking tea, taking a hot bath, journaling. At the end of the day, I just gave up and embraced my carbs before bed. When I found the lifestyle called IIFYM and a community of very fit men and women who eat whatever they want at whatever time of the day they want, I was elated that I could have my carbs and eat them at 9pm “because your body doesn’t know what time it is.” Countless articles have been written about why carbs before bed are bad and why carbs before bed are good, like this one which I particularly like because it argues in my favor.

Regardless of the articles and of what I want, I am working with a coach who prefers that I enjoy a very low carb snack before bed. Insert sad face. Luckily I’ve come up with a treat that allows me to still have a treat and not go to bed hungry.

Here is a sneak peek of some of the dishes I’ve dined on this week (all homemade) along with the macros for each dish. Macros are protein (P), carbs (C), and fat (F). Proteins and carbs are 4 calories per gram and fat has 9 calories per gram. So a dish labeled 35P/35C/1F would have 289 calories.

Pre Workout Meal – Whole Foods brand white English muffin + 1T jelly + 12T (3/4 liquid cups) egg whites seasoned with salt and pepperPre Workout Meal



I have really been enjoying this meal because who doesn’t want an awesome white piece of bread with jelly before you go crush your legs?! I have tried swapping the egg whites for a protein shake, but the shake tends to be too heavy for me pre workout. I usually eat this meal about 45 minutes before I leave for the gym. The key with both pre and post workout meals is that you want things that are LOW fat and LOW fiber so that your body has quick access to the protein and carbs for fueling your workout and for muscle recovery.


Post Workout Meal – 1/4c (measured dry) Jasmine rice + 3.4 ounces chicken breast + 1/4c spicy black beans + 25g red peppers + 25g red onion + 4T salsa + Flavor God Taco Tuesday seasoning




I really can’t say enough good things about this taco bowl. It’s AMAZING. My husband saw me eating it yesterday and had me make him one too. It’s like a Mexican fiesta in your mouth. I typically do ground turkey for this because it’s lower in fat than chicken breast, but the one here is pictured with chicken.

I’ve also had Puffins cereal post workout with fruit on top and protein milk (protein powder blended with almond milk and water) on top. That was quite delicious, and it felt very indulgent.

My coach wants me to aim for 60g of carbs post workout along with about 35g of protein and minimal fat. I am sure I will come up with many more exciting meals to share with those macros.


Meals 3 and 4 are a nice balance of carbs and protein with a little more fat.

Left to Right: 1) spinach and arugula salad + 1/4c spicy black beans + 92g cooked sweet potatoes + 3.5 ounces of chicken breast + 4T salsa; 2) 6 ounces of cod + roasted veggies with a splash of olive oil + 1/4c (measured dry) Jasmine rice; 3) Homemade Greek turkey burger + Maria & Ricardos wheat tortilla + 1/4c arugula + 2T salsa + 100g zoodles

I also incorporated turkey meatloaf muffins into my meals this week. I adapted this recipe from Skinnytaste, leaving off the bacon and swapping the barbecue sauce for Dijon mustard.










For dinner one night (Meal 5), I finally got my burger, homemade of course, because eating a burger out would use up all of my fat allotted for the day.



I weighed out 5 ounces of grass-fed sirloin from Whole Foods and added some Worcester sauce, salt and pepper and diced jalapenos. I topped it with a few shreds of cheddar cheese and had it with a half of a bun and some sauteed onions and zoodles. I ate it really slowly and




I would really like another.


Finally Meal 6. High protein, moderate fats and low carb. A SLAP peanut butter protein shake (use code MARY for 10% off) made with some almond milk, ice and water and a large slice of my protein bread. I modified the recipe a bit by adding a bit more protein powder, less coconut flour and no chocolate chips. It’s delicious with SLAP Peanut Butter or with PEScience Blondie protein powders.


I have also been enjoying protein pancakes for dessert at night. I use a simple recipe of combining 1 scoop of protein powder + 1 egg + 1tsp baking powder + a little almond milk or water. If I am feeling really hungry, I will also add 1-2T of coconut flour and a bit more water. I top it with some PB2 or a light slather of nut butter. I look forward to it each day.

My goal with this prep is to continue to eat the foods that I love by finding creative ways to incorporate them into my program. Maybe I cannot have all of the foods that I want at the exact time of the day or on the exact day that I want it, but knowing that I can have them a couple of times a week makes this process a little more bearable. After all, if it was easy, everyone would do it. That’s what I need to keep reminding myself.

Someone reminded me something the other day that I will try to remember when things get really hard. The food will always be there. My favorite bakery in New York City isn’t closing down anytime soon. There will always be steakhouses in the area to serve me a filet.

Regrets are not always about things you did in your life. Sometimes they are about the things that you didn’t do. Week 3. Let’s do this.

Bikini Prep – 21 Weeks Out – No Pretending

I have a little pet peeve, and it’s called pretenders. You know those people, when you ask how their day is going, and they say “great!!!” and they are crying inside. Kind of like, when you ask, “How was Disney?” for 7 nights in July, and they say “Sooooo fun!” and you know they are straight lying.

So throughout this bikini prep process, I vowed to myself and to my coach that I would not be a pretender.

The hard part about not being a pretender is that you actually have to tell the truth and to feel uncomfortable feelings, and to say things to yourself and out loud to your husband on the couch during the Next Food Network Star like, “I feel like a failure.” And that is how week 1 felt for me.

So instead of pretending that I absolutely killed it this week, I will just be honest and tell you that it was really, really, really hard. And last night I was questioning everything.

Now the photo you see below is actually me not pretending, because I will tell you that I did absolutely crush it in the gym. I am following a program that my coach created for me called FORTITUDE. It’s no coincidence that the word fortitude means: courage in pain or adversity. The basis of the program is that you lift the same muscle groups each day for 5-6 days in different ways, so that at the end of the week all of the muscle groups are crying.

For instance, maybe on day 1, you do 5 sets of leg extensions – 3 warm up sets and 2 working sets with much heavier weight. One day 3, you do leg extensions again, but this time just one pump set of 30. You are hitting your legs and glutes each day, just at a different intensity. Let’s just say that the end of the week called for a full body massage and some help down the stairs. I loved it. LOVED it. But I am weird like that.Back Day Mary Davis Fitness

As you know, training your body is only part of this process to get to the stage. You have to train your mind, and you have to eat to perform. Before I started training, I was maintaining my weight at around 2000 calories per day, sometimes closer to 2100 depending on my exercise level that day. So when I got my macros for week 1, I was more than slightly concerned at the 1715 that I was tasked with. I could crush that by meal 4 easy. It was also an adjustment to go from eating 60g of fat per day to around 30g. Much less of all of my favorite fats: avocados, nut butters and red meat. I was determined to give it my best shot. I could NOT fail in week 1, right?! So off I went into the week, burning close to 14,000 just by living and exercising in my normal routine. Not counting things like the afterburn post workout (about 100 calories per day) and my normal life living and chores around the house, carrying Gianna, grocery shopping, etc. So I was burning a total of 16,000 and eating a total of 12,000. It was really hard. I was hungry. I was cranky. I failed. I overate some days. I beat myself up. I didn’t think about quitting, but I really was not sure if I had it in me to keep going.


So this morning, I gave it straight to my coach. I didn’t tell him my week was “great!!!!!” because it was anything but great. I was honest. I was open. I was vulnerable. And he told me that the point of week 1 was to see what my body would do – how it would react, and we would all learn from week 1.

The result: MORE FOOD. More carbs. More protein, More fats. Praise the Lord.

I am ready for week 2. More ready than ever.

So when someone asks you how you’re doing today, think of this post. Take off the mask and just be real.

I’m off to crush it.

My New Goal Scares the Sh*t Out of Me

I’m not one who makes quick decisions.

Wait, let me go back.

I’m not one who makes quick decisions ANYMORE. Rewind to my twenties, and you would have met a Mary who often made quick, sometimes rash, decisions. I’m very grateful to be older and wiser now.

So when it came to thinking about, possibly considering, maybe-one-day, competing in a bikini competition, let me tell you this was one of those decisions that I did not make quickly. The Mary that I am today, in my rational, mature, well-thought-out, decision-making brain, researched the hell out of this idea for months before I made this decision. I stalked strangers on Instagram, asked everyone I knew who has ever competed in a bikini competition about their experience, read countless articles about why competing is the best and worst thing you can ever do, and interviewed several coaches. And at the end of the day, I have decided that I am going to compete.

And I am going to compete for one reason only: because it scares the sh*t out of me.

I am the type of person who likes a challenge. Who needs a challenge. Who likes to have a goal. I function best this way. And when I commit to a goal, I try REALLY really hard to hit it. So not only does making the decision to compete scare me because I have to get on a stage in a terribly dark spray tan, with a very small bikini on and walk in really high heels without falling, it scares me because it’s my new goal. And I really, really want to hit the goal, and the challenge to get to that stage and not totally embarrass myself is a long road that will take extreme discipline and commitment. And all of that wrapped up together (especially the walking on stage in heels), is very scary to me.

Very small bikini

Sure you can roll on stage and not have abs and not eat clean 95% of the time and not track your food 98% of the time and not train for months, but the Mary that is going out on that stage is doing all of the above. There will be less dinners out and less chocolate chip cookies and more “sorry I can’t eat that.” And I hate the “sorry I can’t eat that” part because my whole life and diet is based upon the flexible eating program where I CAN eat whatever I want If It Fits MY Macros. But now, I’m going to be “that girl” who can’t eat anything and can’t build in treats all the time, and for me that is uncomfortable. They say, if you want something you’ve never had, then you have to do something you’ve never done. Well, I’m about to do it.

For those of you who do not know much about these types of events, here is an overview.

Below you will see an example of the 4 main divisions featuring the elite of the sport.  These women have all won numerous titles and are at the top of their game. From left to right: Bikini division: Ashley Kaltwasser, Figure division: Nicole Wilkins, Fitness division: Adela Garcia, Physique division: Dana Linn Bailey.

women's divisions

1.) Bikini. In this category women are very lean. The judges are looking for a more softer look than that of the other categories (they are not looking for the same muscle mass or definition as that of the fitness, figure or physique competitors). Competitors are judged based on balance, poise and physical appearance, from front and back angles. Think tight and toned.

2.) Figure. Judges are looking for the same type of physique as fitness competitors however there isn’t a fitness routine, only posing. Competitors are judged from all angles and the goal is to have an athletic appearance – wide shoulders with slim hips and thighs. Think conditioned and more a defined physique than that of the bikini class.

3.) Fitness. The goal is to be athletic in appearance and the judges are looking at your shape from different angles. One thing that sets this division aside from the others is that there is a fitness routine set to music where competitors show off their flexibility, gymnastic training, strength and physical fitness.

4.) Physique. In this division competitors are looking at lean muscle mass with very little body fat. Comparisons are made of the athletes (in groups) when they perform poses that show off their muscle definition.

I have decided to focus my training to enter in the bikini division. There are several sub categories within bikini that you can elect to compete in like debut (never competed before), novice (never won 1st place before) and masters (over 35) and you better believe I’m entering all of those sub categories after 22 weeks of “no I can’t eat that.”

I researched coaches. I am not a professional in this area. Frankly, I have no idea what I am doing, so instead of trying to half ass my training, I decided that hiring a coach was the best way to get prepared for this type of competition.

This is my coach. His name is Joe Bender. I think he knows a thing or two about muscles.

Mary Davis Fitness and Joe Bender

I picked Joe to be my coach because he has made it his profession to train men and women to compete in these types of events. He has been training clients for over 12 years, holds three personal training certifications and has been competing himself for 10 years. I also picked Joe because he is going to help me to protect something that is VERY important to me: my metabolism. Joe isn’t going to put me on some 1200 calorie diet for the next 22 weeks (yes training is 22 weeks!). He is going to slowly modify my macros the RIGHT way and after I leave the stage, he is going to slowly help me to reverse diet back to my fighting weight of 132 pounds and 2000 calories per day.

He is going to help me to get lean and super shredded, and I will probably be cursing his name several times a week because my weight training program is fierce and the groupings of exercises, reps and sets are very different that I am used to. More outside of my comfort zone. More fear. More let’s do this!

If you follow me on social media or have taken one of my spin classes at 24 Hour Fitness, you know this about me: I LOVE FOOD. In fact, my motto is: EAT ALL THE FOOD. I educate women on the importance of properly FUELING your body. I debunk the 1200 calorie myth daily. I love pizza and ice cream and I eat everything in moderation. That is why I follow the flexible dieting program called If It Fits Your Macros.

So part of the research that I did during my months of stalking was around the nutrition plan to prepare for the show, how flexible I could be, and how long I would have to train. The physical aspect of this competition will not be as mentally challenging for me as the nutritional aspect. I run to the gym most days, and the idea of a new, crushingly hard, weight training program is so damn exciting to me. However, the idea of a new, less flexible, but still somewhat flexible nutrition plan and new macros (including less fat macros, and I love fat!) was not as exciting. Wait, are you telling me I can’t have THE dessert I want to have every night after dinner?! But I really WANT to eat WHATEVER I want to eat whenever I want it. More uncomfortable feelings.

So after careful thought and lots of research, and then more research, I’ve decided that I want this goal more than I want ice cream every night.

So I’m off to the races. Training starts today. It ends at the end of November. Thanksgiving will be the best meal of my life. Unless I crush this goal. Then I have all of the chicken and brown rice and protein shakes and rice cakes to thank. The taste of satisfaction is pretty sweet too.

Wish me luck.

Weight Training for Beginners

Women always ask me where to begin when it comes to lifting weights.

How often?

Which exercises?

How heavy?

Today, I’ll share with you some important information that I’ve learned over the past 4 years since I took my own weight lifting from a cardio-afterthought to a serious part of my workout routine. I hope this information inspires you to step outside of your comfort zone and into the weight room. It’s really not as scary as it seems.

  • Did you know that after the age of 35, muscle mass begins to decline at a rapid rate? According to the National Academy of Sports Medicine, “After age 35 you will lose between .5-1. percent of your muscle mass annually unless you engage in regular physical activity to prevent it. By engaging in regular resistance training and following a sound diet that includes adequate amounts of protein, you can prevent most of the muscle loss associated with age. Health experts recommend that you engage in some of the resistance training that focuses on all major muscle groups a minimum of 2 times per week and up to 5 times per week depending upon your goals.” I always recommend to my clients over the age of 35, that OVER HALF of their workouts per week are resistance training and not cardio-based. So in regards to how often, my recommendation for a schedule where you workout 5 hours a week is over 2.5 hours of that exercise time is resistance training. Personally, I workout for 9 hours a week which includes 4 hours of cardio and about 5 hours of weight lifting. I always take at least one full rest day per week, sometimes two.
  • There are many different ways to structure your weight lifting routines, so you will have to take into account how much time each week you can devote to your training. There are three different splits to consider which you can read more about here. Personally, I prefer the 4 day split, which I break into 5 total days. Here is how I structure my weight training days:
    • Mondays: Chest & Back
    • Tuesday: Legs & Glutes
    • Wednesday: Biceps & Abs
    • Thursday: Shoulders & Triceps
    • Friday: Legs & Calves

After you’ve determined which split you are going to follow you should buy yourself a small notebook and any other equipment that your gym lacks, so that you are ready to hit the ground running on Day 1. IMG_7570

Personally, I love these Phantom Fit resistance bands for warming up my glutes during leg day. I also use these ankle straps for cable kick-backs, since my gym does not offer them. At the beginning of each week, I write down the exercises that I am going to complete each day so when I start my workout, I know exactly what I am going to do. Then I write down my weights for each exercise and how long I rested between sets. If you don’t know which exercises you’re going to do, start with some of the circuit machines versus free weights. Machines are a good place to start for beginners because it forces you to practice perfect form, whereas free weights leave a lot of room for error. You’ll want to stick to the same routine for 4-6 weeks, and then change it up, so your body does not get bored. Focus on increasing your weights as the weeks go on. Aim for 4 sets of 15 reps one week, and then next week try 4 sets of 12 reps at a HEAVIER weight.

  • If you get nervous by the phrase “lift heavy” and you envision super bulky men with veins popping from their biceps, grunting and throwing their weights on the ground, think again. Here is an image of women a who lifts heavy. Not too shabby, eh?

    Jessie Hilgenberg

    A good rule of thumb when choosing a weight that is right for each exercise is to choose a weight that 1) allows you to practice perfect form, 2) makes it HARD to complete 12-15 reps, 3) you are STRUGGLING to complete your last set of reps with. If you can complete more than 30 reps at once using the weight you’ve chosen, that the weight is TOO LIGHT. Step it up! I always see men and women compromising their form in their effort to increase their weights. Remember, MOMENTUM IS NOT A MUSCLE! Perfect form first. Heavier weight second.

For more information on lifting weights check out for tips and free online programs. I also highly recommend any of Jessie Hilgenberg’s ebooks which you can learn about on her site:

I hope to see you in the weight room one day very soon! XO, Mary



Staying Motivated – Intrinsic v. Extrinsic Motivation


How do you stay motivated?

I get this question a lot. For me, the answer is simple: “it comes from within.” I know that is not very specific, and it doesn’t really help to explain my personal motivation, so let me share a little bit about motivation in general, and maybe you’ll see what I mean.

There are two types of motivation: intrinsic motivation and extrinsic motivation.

Intrinsic motivation means that the individual’s motivational stimuli are coming from within. For instance, a person is taking a spin class at the gym because he or she gets pleasure from taking the class and from the feeling that results after it’s over. It’s motivation that comes deep from within the core. Not everyone has it, but everyone can get it. People who are intrinsically motivated are physically active because they truly enjoy it.

Extrinsic motivation means that the individual’s motivational stimuli are coming from outside or really anywhere except from the inside. Examples of an external factor that motivates people are: to lose weight, to be healthy, to make their spouse happy, to look good, or to meet new people.

Very few people are entirely intrinsically or extrinsically motivated. It’s usually a combination of the two.


Now here is the KEY…

You are more likely to stay on-track with your fitness and nutrition plans if you are INTRINSICALLY motivated.

The boyfriend, the hot bikini body, the compliments, they are great and all, but you have to want it for yourself from within in order to ensure long term success.

Here are some strategies for transitioning towards intrinsic motivation:

  • Remind yourself why you are here If you’ve taken one of my spin classes, you’ve heard me say, “why are you here?!” Remember your personal goals and motivating factors for getting to the gym and staying on track.
  • Stay hooked on that feeling – Reflect on the positive feelings and successes you’ve previously experienced from regularly exercising. How did you feel overall? Did exercise improve other aspects of your life besides your physical appearance? For many people exercise is a mental stress-reliever, not just a physical one.
  • Set GOALS – I cannot stress this enough! I ALWAYS have a goal in mind. Create a short-term (weekly), medium-term (monthly), and long term (6+ months) goal for yourself. Make sure it is a S.M.A.R.T. goal, meaning Specific, Measurable, Attainable, REALISTIC, and Timely. For instance, “to lose weight,” is NOT a good example of a S.M.A.R.T. goal. I want, “to lose 5 pounds by June 1st” is a S.M.A.R.T. goal if the current date is May 1st, because that is a realistic and achievable goal that you can measure.
  • Keep in mind that change takes time – It is important to remember that change does not occur overnight. Recognize that in order to obtain desired results both time and continued effort are required. Consistency is key to success!
  • Remember that you have to do this for YOU – You will have the most success if you are your own cheerleader, not your spouse, your best friend or your weight loss group. In the end, it’s you vs. you in the mirror.

More to come on motivation, but I hope this helps to start your weekend off with a little extra pep in your step for staying on track. Stay healthy people!